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Código del producto: 116434543

American On Course A1 + Full Pack

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Vendido por antartica libros
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Condicion del productoNuevo
Tipo de libroLiteratura y novelas
EditorialSm Ediciones
Información adicional
American on course is a learned-centered course which provides student with the skills necesary to fulfill a variety of comunicative goals. The educational objetives are:

- To provide a supportive framework in wich students can develop their receptive and productive skills

- To encorauge students to become more responsible their own learning

- To widen student's knowledge and understanding of different cultures, lifestyles and perspectives

- To encorauge students to work with their peers to exchanges ideas, solve problemas, plan proyect work, and so on.

Edad: Desde: 6

ISBN: 9786074931877

Alto: 29.50 cm

Ancho: 21.50 cm

Encuadernación: Rústica
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